After making her long-awaited, live-action debut in “The Mandalorian,” Ahsoka Tano’s story, written by Dave Filoni, will continue in a limited series, Ahsoka, starring Rosario Dawson and executive produced by Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau. Set after the fall of the Empire, Ahsoka follows the former Jedi knight Ahsoka Tano as she investigates an emerging threat to a vulnerable galaxy.
Executive Producer
Jon Favreau
Dave Filoni
Visual Effects Supervisor
Richard Bluff
Animation Supervisor
Paul Kavanaugh
ILM Visual Effects Supervisor
Enrico Damm
ILM Animation Supervisor
Rick O'Connor
ILM Executive Visual Effects Producer
Jill Hughes
ILM VFX Associate Producer
Dan Cortez
Rachel Galbraith
Emily Moye