Meet the Women of ILM – Maggie Leung

Meet the Women of ILM – Maggie Leung

TELL US ABOUT YOUR ROLE AT ILM, AND HOW LONG YOU’VE BEEN IN THE FILM INDUSTRY.I have been in the industry for almost 10 years and my 7.5th year at ILM Singapore. I’m currently a production manager. WHAT IS YOUR BACKGROUND? WHAT WAS YOUR MAIN COURSE OF STUDY IN...
Meet the Women of ILM – Whitney Townsley

Meet the Women of ILM – Whitney Townsley

TELL US ABOUT YOUR ROLE AT ILM, AND HOW LONG YOU’VE BEEN IN THE FILM INDUSTRY.I am the HR Advisor in the London studio. I started as HR Coordinator back in May 2014 when there were only three of us in HR, Recruitment and Talent. This gave me the opportunity to...
Meet the Women of ILM – Kacy McDonald

Meet the Women of ILM – Kacy McDonald

TELL US ABOUT YOUR ROLE AT ILM, AND HOW LONG YOU’VE BEEN IN THE FILM INDUSTRYI have been in the film industry for 16 years. It is surprising how fast time goes when you are genuinely having a fun time. My role at ILM is a VFX Producer role. I oversee the...
Meet the Women of ILM – Clair Bellens

Meet the Women of ILM – Clair Bellens

TELL US ABOUT YOUR ROLE AT ILM, AND HOW LONG YOU’VE BEEN IN THE FILM INDUSTRY. I’ve been with the company about one and a half years now. This past September I became a developer in ILM’s Research & Development group, my focus is mainly with the crowds...